ZG 2.574.1

15.09 m² | Central Building | Travel Market Level 2 | Counter

Area description

Area name ZG 2.574.1
Size 15,09 m²
Equipment Counter, offer wall, light and an illuminated brand presence sign (stickers are provided by the tenant) are available.
Location Travel Market Level 2, Public Area,
Central building above the entrance to Pier B
Suitability Travel agency

The counter is located in the entrance area of the travel market and is already visible from the departure hall.

You can reach the counter by elevator or via the stairwell.

ZG 2.574.1
15,09 m²
Counter, offer wall, light and an illuminated brand presence sign (stickers are provided by the tenant) are available.
Travel Market Level 2, Public Area,
Central building above the entrance to Pier B
Travel agency

The counter is located in the entrance area of the travel market and is already visible from the departure hall.

You can reach the counter by elevator or via the stairwell.
